Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Snap! Accounts and Files

Creating an account will allow you to save your programs to the cloud.
  1. Open Snap! using this URL:, and bookmark it so you can access it easily.
  2. In Snap!, you will save your work to the cloud. According to, cloud storage, "refers to saving data to an off-site storage system maintained by a third party. Instead of storing information to your computer's hard drive or other local storage device, you save it to a remote database. The Internet provides the connection between your computer and the database."
  3. Click the cloud menu, Cloud button, in the toolbar:
    cloud icon
  4. Select the "sign up" option in the menu, and follow the instructions.
    signing up for the cloud
  5. Check your email to get your initial password. Using email is important to digital work.
  6. You may change your password at any time via the cloud menu, Cloud button. Always choose passwords that you can remember but are hard for others to guess.
  7. Return to Snap!, and enter your user name together with the password you receive to log in.
  8. Select "Change Password..." from the cloud menu, and change your password to something easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess.
Logging in to Your Snap! Account 
You'll want to be logged in whenever you are coding.
  1. Click the Cloud menu in the toolbar:
    cloud icon
  2. If it says "logout" and then your usename, you don't have to do anything; you are already logged in. Otherwise, choose "login..." and enter your username and password.
  3. Log out (from the Cloud menu) when you are done.

Saving and Opening Projects 

    You can read more about "Saving and Loading Projects and Media" in the Snap Manual pages 14-16.
  1. Locate or rebuild the script that draws a square:
    pen down, repeat 4 (move 50 steps, turn CW 90 degrees)
  2. Check if you are logged in by clicking the Cloud menu in the toolbar, Cloud button.
    1. If you see this menu: logoout menu, make sure the username you see is yours. If not, log out and log in with your username.
    2. Log in if you see this menu: login menu
    3. Create an account if you have not done so already.
    It helps keep work organized to name files thoughtfully. In BJC, start your files with the unit and lesson number.
  3. To save your work, go to the File menu File button, and choose "Save" or "Save as...".
  4. Give your project a name that will help you remember what the project is.
  5. "U1L1-Square"Save your work as U1L1-Square
Opening Snap! Projects 
  • Any time you want to access a project, click the File menu File button and select "Open..." to see a list of all your Snap! projects.

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